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Until The Stars Fall: A Just The Way You Are Novel Page 5

  “Absolutely, Connor. Um, why don’t we get started? Let me get the measurements I need for the cooling units, then let’s walk around and discuss your ideas for the building—the bar and pub in particular. I’ve seen the plans, but I’d like to hear what you want everything to look like when we’re finished. Hearing your thoughts will help me know your style, and I can start to get a picture in my head of the finished space. Sound good?”

  “Yeah, that sounds great.”

  Ladd grabbed his measuring tape and got started. He was maintaining the professionalism, but every time he bent over to read a measurement, I had to adjust myself and swallow my groan. Not many people knew this about me, but when I fell, I fell fast. Lachlan had been one hundred percent right. I was a romantic to my core despite my badass appearance. I wasn’t sure if it was possible to fall in love in thirty minutes, but I was close. Hell, I’d never felt this level of attraction to someone, and I damn sure had never felt like this for someone I didn’t even know. It wasn’t just his looks or his sex appeal, either. I liked his professionalism and his willingness to forgive. Yeah, I was pathetic, but I was also determined. I’d play it by ear for now, and when I finally decided what to do about this situation, Mr. Ladd Eldridge wouldn’t know what hit him.

  Chapter Four

  I was sitting at my desk supposedly going over subcontractor schedules, but in reality, I was daydreaming about a certain gorgeous Scotsman. I had heard a bit of his accent come out a few times when we’d talked on the phone the last two days. Every time I heard that slight brogue, I got a tingling in very nice places. My dreams were getting more and more interesting, too, with Connor as the star player. Last night, in particular, had been so hot I’d had to take a cool shower in the middle of the night. Connor had been crowding behind me up against the wall in that supply closet again, hands clasping my ass tight enough to bruise, biting marks all along the back of my neck while he fucked me hard and rough. I’d fucking loved it. I’ve always wished for a man big enough to control me, but protective enough to never take it too far. I dreamed of riding that line between rough and brutal, and from the way he’d acted on that first day, I had a feeling Connor might be into that, too. Well, maybe it was wishful thinking at least. I was enjoying that thought when there was a knock on my office door, and my dream man walked right into reality.

  I had been expecting him sometime this morning to come in and sign our finalized contract so we could officially begin work. And no matter what Taylor and Avery said, I had not made a conscious decision to wear my best outfit for the meeting. I really just happened to like this slim fit white shirt, and if the bright ocean blue blazer happened to make my eyes glow a brighter blue, then I couldn’t help that, could I? And my favorite pastel plaid bow tie perfectly matched this blazer, so it had been no choice really. No, really.

  Connor looked lumberjack chic yet again in another tight plaid button-down with the sleeves rolled up to show his strong forearms and wrists. Mmm, I was a sucker for nice arms. His light washed jeans hugged his thick thighs and ass lovingly. The look could have seemed too causal on anyone else, but Connor had the height and posture to carry himself like a CEO even in jeans and work boots. I admired his confidence. I was confident in my work, but I always felt like I constantly had to be better and more efficient than other people to make up for my short stature and perpetually youthful appearance. Logically I knew that my height had nothing to do with my ability to do my job effectively, but I still couldn’t shake the nagging thoughts. I had a feeling it was an echo of my childhood that I constantly strived for perfection, but I really didn’t want to psychoanalyze myself right now. I had been through enough of that years before. I was fine.

  “Connor, please come on in. I have the paperwork almost finished. My partner Taylor should have everything ready in a few minutes.” I noticed his eyes, which had been smiling when he walked in and sat down, suddenly lost their sparkle. I missed them instantly and wondered what I’d said that had bothered him. Whatever it was, I wanted to change it immediately.

  I started to ask, but before I got the words out, Taylor swept in with the stack of contracts. As usual, he was the height of fashion in his tailored black trousers, steel gray slim fit dress shirt, and gray herringbone button front vest. But it was the designer loafers that really put his outfit over into runway territory. How he made walking into a small office in Alabama, feel like a runway show in Paris I’d never know, but he made it work. As I was studying him closely, lost in thought, I noticed the exact moment he saw Connor for the first time. All of a sudden, my smooth best friend looked like a baby deer trying to stand up for the first time. He took a stutter step and would have dropped the contracts had I not rushed forward and grabbed them from his suddenly loose fingers.

  He seemed to recover quickly though because he immediately turned on the charm. “Well hello, sugar, who are you?” He practically purred. Then, holding out his hand, “I’m Taylor, but you can call me anything, anytime day or night, gorgeous.” Connor automatically stood and reached for the offered hand. Taylor took this opportunity to step so close he was practically standing on Connor’s boots.

  “Taylor, this is Connor McDaniel, the representative for the Mason building project. Now, that’s enough, leave the nice man alone before you scare him away.” I used a little more force in my voice than I would normally use with my friend, but I really didn’t like him being so close to Connor. Not that I was jealous, it was just unprofessional behavior with a client. Yeah, right.

  Taylor cut me a quick look, then with a slight pout moved toward the door. “Okay, babe, can I get ya’ll anything?” He gave Connor a sloe-eyed look, “Anything at all?”

  Oh, my God really?

  “Taylor, enough!” I pointed to the door, “Out with you, we’ve got papers to look over.”

  He finally got the less than subtle hint, “Fine, I’m out, holler if you need me.”

  I finally let out a little chuckle at his ham-handed attempts to get Connor’s attention. I couldn’t take him seriously when he acted like that. It always worked for him at bars and clubs though. Huh, maybe I should pay more attention to the flirting where Connor was concerned. Nope, Connor is off limits for me. Keep it business, stupid, and don’t mess this up.

  I finished lecturing my libido and got busy straightening the contracts. Connor still hadn’t said anything since he had walked in, so I raised my eyes from my desk to try to get a read on the situation. He was frowning at the now closed door and shaking his head slightly like he was having some sort of internal debate whether to do something or not. I hoped to hell it wasn’t about Taylor’s behavior.

  He finally seemed to make a decision and turned back toward me. Meeting his eyes, I gave him a small smile to try and settle him a bit. Maybe Taylor’s flirting really had rattled him. From what he’d said the day we met, I had assumed he was gay, possibly bi, but maybe I had assumed wrong, or maybe he was in the closet. Oh, Lord, maybe he was straight, and I’d been fantasizing about a straight guy who would never even like me that way.

  Okay, I needed to get this back on track ASAP. Clearing my throat, I decided to take this meeting by the horns and at least take care of the Taylor situation. “Don’t mind Taylor. He’s a huge flirt with a big personality. Our clients love his enthusiasm, but he can be a bit overwhelming on first meeting him. He’s harmless I swear. He doesn’t bite, well not unless you want him to.” Dammit, why did my mouth do this shit to me? I seemed to say the dumbest shit around this man.

  Connor wrinkled his brow with a deep frown. Shit, I’d done it now. Any second he was going to get up, walk out the door and look for a firm that wouldn’t embarrass themselves in the first two days. But when he spoke, Connor was on a completely different train of thought. “How long have you and Taylor been partners?”

  Oh, business talk, thank God. I can handle that.

  “Um, yeah, Taylor came to work here about two and a half years ago. He’s been an invaluable addition to the team. He h
elps me with so much, and he’s become my mentor and best friend. Actually, at this point, he’s more like family. Aunt Helen has adopted him as an honorary nephew.” I snickered, “He’s even started calling her auntie when we’re not at work.”

  Instead of getting rid of Connor’s frown, it actually got deeper. What the hell had I said now? “Right, that’s when he started working here, but how long have you been partners?”

  Now I was frowning, not really following him, “Um, two and half years?” I had no idea what his deal was with these questions. What was he asking?

  He shook his head like he was disappointed in my answer. What am I missing? “So you’ve been his partner for over two years, and he acts like that in front of you? I have to be honest here. I don’t understand.”

  You’re not the only one, dude.

  “I don’t like the way he was flirting right in front of you. It’s disrespectful to you and, frankly, you seem like a great guy and deserve better. I hope I haven’t overstepped, but I had to say something. If you were my partner, I would never act like that in front of you.”

  The light bulb went on. Holy crap, he thought I meant Taylor and I were together. “Oh, no! We’re not partners like that. You misunderstood me. I meant he’s my partner in the firm. I’m actually single.” And just like that, I was bright red from embarrassment. I seriously needed to see someone about my runaway mouth. I let out a nervous sound that might have been a laugh or a groan. I wasn’t even sure. I looked up to see what Connor’s reaction was to my news and the gleaming smile I saw on his face hit me right in my chest, butterflies took flight, and I was giddy with the feeling. Good Lord, he was beautiful when he smiled. It was so stunning, and there was no way I couldn’t grin like a fool back at him.

  Shit, I was in so much trouble. I needed to get this meeting back on track…again. I slipped a more business-like smile on my face and got Connor set up at my work table to start looking over the contracts. I then beat a retreat to the break room on the pretense of coffee. I just needed a few minutes to get over that smile and kill those damn butterflies.

  As I walked into the break room, Taylor and Avery immediately grabbed me, one on each arm. Shit, no reprieve then. I heaved a heavy sigh. “What?” I asked, but I knew damn well what.

  “Brother, you have been holding out on me. Why didn’t you tell me our newest client was that tall, dark and gorgeous bear of a man? He gives life to every lumberjack fantasy I’ve ever had with a little sexy construction worker thrown in for good measure. That dark scruff on his jaw is delicious.”

  Avery leaned over and pulled one of Taylor’s dreads, “How the hell was your prissy ass ever married to a woman?” She was looking for a reaction because we all knew he hated to have his hair pulled.

  “Woman, do not touch the hair! You know the rule. Unless we’re swapping bodily fluids, you’re not allowed to touch the hair.”

  Avery let go of my arm, giving us both a pinched expression before she threw up her hand in front of her mouth. “God, Tay, don’t be gross. You know I’m still dealing with morning sickness. I’ve been sick for seven months and, I swear, it feels like it’s never gonna end. So, I have no desire to hear about fluids of any kind, especially yours. I love you like a brother, but I don’t want to think about swapping anything with you but recipes.” She walked over to her stash of crackers on the counter and began munching, still talking through the crumbs. “Speaking of recipes, thanks so much for the chicken salad one, it was delicious, and Jack loved it. Who would have thought of adding pecans and grapes? It’s genius.” She continued munching, and I wondered at the weirdness of pregnancy. How could she go from sick to talking about food in three-point-five seconds?

  I was dizzy trying to follow this nonlinear conversation, so I grabbed Connor’s black coffee—So very manly—and my vanilla mocha—Yeah, whatever, this shit’s delicious—and moved to head back to the office.

  “Hold up, Houdini, you’re not disappearing that fast.” Taylor took the cups out of my hand, placing them on the counter, then turned back to Avery, “I’m glad you like Nana’s recipe, Ave, and tell Jack thanks, too. She was a fantastic cook. You wanted to know about my ex? My whole life, I was stuffed so far back in my parent’s religious closet, I’m surprised I still don’t smell like mothballs. The honest answer is that Callie and I saved each other. I got her out from under parents even more severe than mine, and she helped me find my true self. If it wasn’t for her, I’d probably still be in the dark. I’ll love that woman forever for everything she did to help me become who I was meant to be.”

  I looked over at Avery, and there were tears slowly trailing down her pale cheeks. She sniffed and wiped her cheeks roughly, “Freaking pregnancy hormones,” she muttered, then raced over to Taylor and gave him a big hug. His height dwarfed her five-foot-two-inch frame, and the contrast between her bright blonde hair and his dark caramel skin was striking. “Taylor, that’s so beautiful. I love you so much.” She scrubbed her cheeks again and pulled another breath through her nose to get herself under control. “Now that I’m all emotional, I’m gonna go call my husband and tell him I love him.” With a flip of her blonde ponytail, she walked back to her desk.

  Returning all his attention back to me, Taylor leveled his eyes at mine and seemed to peer deep into my soul for the longest time, even though it was probably only a few moments. When he was done and seemed satisfied with what he found, he came to me and gave me a tight hug. “You really like him, I can tell. But you’re conflicted about the whole mixing business with pleasure thing. Plus you’re not sure if he’ll like you for you and you’re scared. I get it, babe, I do, but from just the looks he was giving you in there before I came in, I think he’s really into you, too. You might want to unbend a little and give this one a chance.”

  How the fucking hell did he do that? Taylor had looked into the deepest well of my soul and seen everything I had been thinking without me saying a word. I loved him so much, but I didn’t know if I could do what he was asking me to do. I honestly didn’t know if I was capable of unbending at this point. I thought back to my latest dating fiasco with Parker and inwardly flinched. I just couldn’t risk it right now, maybe ever. It might kill me, but I needed to try and keep my professional distance from Connor. There was no way I would come out unscathed if I tried and failed again. I gave Taylor a pat on the shoulder and a grim smile then grabbed the coffees again before heading back to my office.

  Nope, no matter how big the temptation, I had to protect my battered soul.

  * * *


  Fucking hell, talk about a roller coaster of emotions. I’d only been in Ladd’s office for an hour, and I’d hit emotional highs and lows I’d never felt before. If I already felt like this when we weren’t even in a relationship, what the hell would it be like to actually get involved with Ladd? It would be a wild ride, to say the least, but I had always been a little bit of an adrenaline junkie. This thing with Ladd looked like the most challenging ride I’d ever encountered.

  My heart had nearly stopped when he said he had a partner. Taylor had been stunning, all dark caramel skin, sexy dreads, and light golden eyes. He was my complete opposite with his designer clothes and suave manner. But when he’d flirted outrageously in front of his supposed partner, I’d gotten pissed. Ladd deserved better. He deserved to be with someone who would wrap him up and keep him safe, not disrespect him. But then I’d found out the truth, and my relief had been overwhelming. I had actually felt light-headed I was so happy. Damn, I almost needed a nap after all of the emotional shit I was feeling.

  But now, Ladd had come back from the break room, and he was much more subdued. I wondered what had happened. He was polite and had a work smile plastered on his lips, but it didn’t reach his eyes. I missed those smiling eyes. He didn’t give me anything but Business Ladd for the rest of the meeting. I was back to being confused, not knowing where this ride was taking me yet again.

  After the meeting, Ladd was walking me o
ut to the door, and we ran into the owner of the firm, Helen Eldridge. She was shorter than Ladd, but she had a presence about her that filled the room. Elegant and charming were the two words that sprang to mind when she greeted me warmly with a quick handshake and squeeze on my bicep.

  “Connor McDaniel, it’s so nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard great things about your work in the past. You’ve been in charge of several large projects recently for your family haven’t you?”

  I was shocked that she knew what I’d been doing lately or even knew who I was, so I answered automatically without even thinking. “Yes, ma’am, I’ve worked on quite a few larger projects over the last few years. The last one was in our hometown of Atlanta. The project turned out wonderful, and the building owners were happy, but the scope of the project was huge, and I got a little burned out.

  She sagely nodded her head and got a look of sympathy on her face. “So that’s why you’ve come down here to our little neck of the woods then. You needed a break. I understand perfectly.” She looked over at Ladd and got a thoughtful look on her face. “Ladd here is a wonderful tour guide for the area if you’d like to see the sights while you’re here. He’s a fantastic designer, but he’s also almost an expert on the surrounding cities and their history, maybe you two could get out and have some fun while you’re here.” She said all this with a completely straight face like she hadn’t just blatantly thrown her nephew at me in the lobby of their business.